Sårbarhets-skanning som tjänst

Vulnerability Scan as a service

Complior offers vulnerability scanning as a service to identify and analyze potential weaknesses within IT infrastructure and externally exposed surfaces on the Internet. Our service targets organisations needing to ensure the integrity and security of their information systems and services. By conducting regular scans, we can detect vulnerabilities such as software bugs, configuration errors, and security flaws in networks, applications, and systems, as well as identify any missing critical security updates.
close up of laptop with man working and a security shield on top

For businesses: Security check of the IT environment

For businesses looking to enhance their IT security, we offer tailored solutions for vulnerability scanning.

Our service assists in:

  • Identifying and classifying vulnerabilities in systems and applications.
  • Prioritizing actions based on the level of risk.
  • Providing recommendations to address identified vulnerabilities.
  • Enhancing the company's security and preventing data breaches.

PCI DSS and ASV: Compliance and certification

Within the framework of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), vulnerability scanning is a necessary component to achieve and maintain compliance.

We offer:

  • Vulnerability scanning that meets PCI DSS requirements for periodic scanning.
  • Services performed by a qualified vulnerability scanning provider (ASV, Approved Scanning Vendor).
  • Reports that support the PCI DSS certification process and demonstrate compliance.
  • Consultation on the best practices for addressing discovered vulnerabilities in accordance with PCI DSS.

Why choose Complior?


Our team consists of certified security experts with extensive experience in vulnerability scanning and information security.

Customized solutions:

We tailor our scanning and reporting to each customer's unique needs and requirements.

Technological expertise:

We utilize advanced scanning techniques and tools to ensure accurate and efficient identification of vulnerabilities.

Commitment to customer security:

Our priority is to assist our customers in protecting their systems and data against security threats.
Basic steps in a vulnerability scan

Vulnerability scanning:

Complior conducts vulnerability scans against the organization's outward-facing services. These scans look for potential vulnerabilities and security issues that could be exploited by attackers.


After the scan is completed, a report is generated showing the discovered vulnerabilities and their severity. The organization must then address these vulnerabilities and remediate them.

Follow-up review:

After the vulnerabilities have been addressed, the organization must undergo an additional scan to ensure that the issues have been properly remediated.


In PCI DSS compliance, if the scan no longer finds any significant vulnerabilities, a vulnerability attestation is issued. This attestation is required as part of PCI DSS certification and must be provided to the organization's bank and credit card processors.