The latest news and tips from Complior!
Boost your knowledge on compliance and cyber security.
Free IT Policy template for PCI DSS
An important part of the PCI DSS certification is to establish and follow an approved IT policy. Writing an IT policy requires in depth knowledge of PCI DSS and hundreds of hours of work.
GDPR guide
The new data protection regulation GDPR was applied in Swedish law on 25 May 2018. Boost your knowledge on the regulation with our free GDPR guide.
Drowning in PCI DSS, or docking your app?
The concept behind Docker starts with understanding the distinction between the Linux kernel and user applications
A blindspot in PCI DSS and internal card data flows?
Explore the nuanced coherence of PCI DSS requirements from a QSA perspective. Reflecting on years of hands-on experience, this analysis questions some standard rationales while considering acceptable risks in professional practice.
How Easy Will it be to Breach Smart City Data?
With over 70 percent of Europe’s population living in urban areas, European cities have been rolling out smart technology systems
Innovative uses of Blockchain
Blockchain is a technology that allows suppliers and consumers to connect directly without the use of a centralised third party.
PSD2 – Where are we now?
The announcement of PSD2 caused a rumble in the banking jungle, and many believe that the directive will revolutionize the payment landscape.
2018 – The Year with GDPR and CLOUD Act
In this blog post we will go through some of the important events of the year in terms of data protection and information security